Have we sparked your interest?
Give us a shoutIn order to provide and maintain a professional and quality service, we have certain conditions that our Customers are required to comply with. Some of these conditions may seem strict, but they insure a safe, functional, and trusted environment for our customers to conduct business and publish their information online.
This Acceptable Usage Policy (the "Policy") governs, in addition to the Service Hosting Agreement, the terms of use by the ("Customer"), which is defined as any individual, web designer, or third-party consultant granted permissible access by Customer to Customer's account or BluFyre Media Inc.'s ("Provider") servers or Services.
Customer agrees that when using, or accessing Provider's Services that the following terms and conditions of this Policy will be met.
Hosting - refers to the hosting services rendered by Provider that includes the installation, maintenance, repair of one or more shared or physical computers (servers) for use by Customer.
Services - refers to the services provided by the Provider to the Customer such web hosting, service hosting, software hosting, email and communication hosting, and other services Provider may offer from time to time as ordered by the Customer.
Content - refers to any materials, including, but not limited to code, text, links, images, photographs, messages, graphics, music, sounds, video, files, data, software, applications and any other materials Customer may store on or utilize the Services for.
Provider does not allow any of the following usages, Content, or links to such content, to be published on or through Provider's Services:
Customer is not permitted to knowingly allow another website or hosting server to link to content files stored on Provider's servers. Customer may not use hosting account as a remote storage server only. 75% of customer's content files stored on Provider's server must have associated HTML, or PHP files inside the account linking to the content stored on that account.
Provider does not support unsolicited or bulk email messages (SPAM) to be sent through any of our Services. Customers sending unsolicited email messages from, or through our Services will have all of their Services temporarily suspended. They will then be contacted by Provider and informed of the suspension. Customer will need to take corrective measures to resolve the violation before Services will be reinstated. A repeated violation may cause permanent cancellation of Services without refund of any fees.
Customers found using our system for illegal activities will have their Services and accounts immediately and permanentaly canceled without refund of any fees.
Provider will remain the sole owner of all IP network addresses within the Provider's network. Customer shall not knowingly modify any TCP/IP configuration that will conflict, or otherwise disrupt network service by using configurations not allocated to Customer by Provider. Best effort will be taken to maintain permanency of customer's allocated IP address, however Provider reserves the right to change customer's underlying IP network address during upgrades, security provisioning, or any other network migration service.
Customers violating any portion of this Policy will be notified using Customer's contact information on file, and may either be (a) suspended immediately or, (b) given a time frame to take corrective actions. If no corrective actions are taken within the specified period, Provider will suspend the Services and account until a resolution is met between Provider and Customer. A repeated violation of this Policy may cause a permanent cancellation of Services without refund of any fees.
Last Updated: April 25, 2017