$49Upgrade from $19Current Version: 1.4.1Contact Us To Purchase
Each license is valid for one website installation, and includes 90 days of support and upgrades.
Bulk license discounts are available.
Each license is valid for one website installation, and includes 90 days of support and upgrades.
Bulk license discounts are available.
Email Guardian
Monitor and manage email traffic to stop spam in its tracks.Stop spam in its tracks. This powerful GeoDesic add on boasts numerous features including the ability to guard "contact seller" and "tell a friend" emails. You can configure auto-release settings, notification of new pending emails, and you can even enable HTML emails to enhance the appearance of both emails.
The email manager panel lets you preview, edit, approve (release), ban and delete emails. It even lets you do batch processing (multiple emails at once) for approve/ban/delete functions.
Key Admin Features
- Enable Guardian for "Contact Seller" and "Tell Friend" forms.
- Configure an auto-release timer and cron to release emails after a set amount of time if you haven't reviewed & released them yet
- Configure notification settings to notify yourself when new emails are pending review
- Batch processing to approve (release), ban, and delete emails in the manager.
- Manager shows what type of email it was, "Contact Seller" or "Tell Friend"
- Easily preview & edit emails via the manager
- Manager automatically tracks and displays whether an email has been edited or not.
Key HTML Email Features
- Enable/Disable NEW HTML format emails - Enhance the look of both types of emails to your users, or just use the default Geo text format.
- Completely customizable HTML templates for the HTML format emails. Customize the entire appearance and text within those emails.