$149Upgrade from $49Current Version: 2.1.2Contact Us To Purchase
Each license is valid for one website installation, and includes 90 days of support and upgrades.
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Each license is valid for one website installation, and includes 90 days of support and upgrades.
Bulk license discounts are available.
Inline Refine Search
Powerful listing result filtering available to your usersThis powerful GeoDesic add on lets you display an inline search form that allows users to filter/refine the results in any given category. The add-on automatically generates and makes available filters for the various category specific fields/questions you have configured in the software
View DemoKey Features
- Enable/Disable various types of fields (price, keywords, category specific dropdowns, checkboxes, etc.)
- Allows user to filter category results by multiple sub-categories, rather than having them drill down into a sub-category one at a time.
- Selected filter criteria remain selected after submitting the form to maximize user experience and friendliness.
- Expand/collapse certain sections of filters, minimizing the impact of the inline search on page real estate. (If the user has selected a criteria, that section remains expanded upon page reload for user convenience)
- Works in conjunction with the Geo Navigation filter add-on, allowing a user's region setting to filter the results
- Fully customizable CSS & templates
- Pure W3C compliant & validated coding
- Complete semantic separation of functional/programming and visual layers